Industry Incentives Program Compliance

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Building Knowledge Canada has assisted builder clients in applying for numerous utility based incentive programs and can assist with many of them, including the following:

LEED® for Homes: Design & Construction

As one of the few qualified LEED® for Homes ‘Green Raters’ in Canada, Building Knowledge can produce computer energy models that not only support SB-10 compliance but also are the basis of certification through LEED® and other green building rating systems. Find out more about how Building Knowledge supports developers of homes and multi-storey residential buildings in achieving LEED® for Homes.

Efficiency Incentive Applications

As the Ontario government focuses on increasing attention on reducing building energy use, new efficiency incentives have emerged. Developers of new buildings can reap significant financial rewards through programmes such as IESO’s saveONenergy for High-Performance New Construction (electricity) and Enbridge’s Savings by Design (natural gas).

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Why Work with our team on Energy Compliancy Modeling?

Our knowledge base is unparalleled, especially when combined with decades of practical, on-the-ground work with building professionals, contractors, and government agencies. Our hands-on experience and technical understanding allow us to deliver consistent, industry-leading energy efficiency simulations that lead to the design of better buildings.

Are there utility-based incentive programs in which you are interested? Work with us to cut through the confusion and get fast approvals. Contact us today.

