Critical Canadian Building Science Webinars

November 2, 2023

Critical Canadian Home Building Science Part 10: Historical Homes & Deep Energy Retrofit (NZ Reno) Challenges

It takes a deep appreciation and understanding of cold climate building science to perform a deep-energy/NZ ready renovation on a historical home. Join Trevor Trainor, President, Building Science Specialist of Bawating Building Science and Host Andy Oding, as they dive down into the challenges and solutions for historical home renovations.

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November 2, 2023

Critical Canadian Home Building Science Part 11: The Growing Barriers NZ Builders and Communities Face With Renewables, PV, Energy Management and More

Join energy generation, storage and management expert, Wil Beardmore, President and Founder of Bluewater Energy. Wil and team have been working with large builders/developers for 10 years, implementing renewable and storage tech into NZ homes and communities.

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November 2, 2023

CHBA NZ Home Program: 1,000 Homes and Counting—5+ Years of Lessons Learned

More than 1250 homes have been qualified under CHBA's Net Zero Home Labelling Program.

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November 2, 2023

Not All Heat Pumps Are Created Equal: Right-Sizing, Right Selection of ASHP (and Dual Fuel Systems)

Learn about key performance metrics and simple tools to help with the selection and design of ASHP systems in homes.

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November 2, 2023

New, Small, Crazy Smart HVAC Systems for NZR Homes

Engage with Gord Cooke and guest experts Andrew Poerschke and Rob Beach as they discuss small duct designs including options like smart, small, ducted ASHP (some dual fuel) systems and enhanced comfort controls that also optimize energy use, fuel use and carbon emissions.

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