
green angle
the home science built

Building Knowledge Canada helps builders and developers design and construct homes people love to live in. Our goal is to improve the performance and indoor living environment of every home in Canada, through the practical application of building science.

Our building science experts:

Builder 360°: Making the Shift from Prescriptive to Performance Home Building

Most homebuilders take what seems the obvious route to code compliance - the prescriptive path. While Building Knowledge Canada works with homebuilders using the build-to-code approach, we know from experience that the performance path approach to meeting building codes is more cost effective efficient, durable and comfortable than minimum prescriptive code designed homes

With our Builder 360° program, we guide professional builders and developers through a simpler, easier approach to achieving a home that performs better than code, while saving money and time. We take a whole-systems approach and provide step-by-step guidance from day one, no matter where our professional builders are starting from.

This process results in strong relationships that endure long past our clients achieving permit approvals and occupancy permits; helping them to apply practical building science concepts as their project portfolios expand into various housing types and regions across Canada.

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Our building energy performance evaluation & consulting services include:

Net Zero Energy Homes & Building Compliance

Net Zero refers to a home that is capable of producing as much energy as it consumes.

ENERGY STAR® Evaluation & Compliance

Becoming ENERGY STAR® certified does involve working with a professional energy evaluator.
BK Builder 360
Book a call with our team to learn how our signature Builder 360° process will help you build better.
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Large Building Enclosure Testing

Based on our many years of residential and commercial building testing services, Building Knowledge Canada is now leading the industry with  air barrier /air tightness testing of large commercial and residential buildings, including mid and hi rise developments.  Our experienced team utilizes advanced testing tools and efficient on-site practices enabling smooth, efficient and cost effective testing on site.

Contact our team if your project needs include any of the following;

  • ENERGY STAR® Multifamily High Rise program
  • Before and after commercial renovations for CMHC funding
  • Energy improvement testing for specific stakeholder needs
  • Air tightness testing to meet new NECB 2020 performance standards
  • Toronto Green Building Standard performance standards
For more information email Kyle at or click here to learn more about these services.
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Carbon Reduction Strategies for Homebuilders and Developers: Simplifying the "E" in ESG.

Our team and associate business partners have a incredible depth of knowledge and experience helping builders and developers across Canada and the US develop Carbon reduction strategies (operational and embodied) for both homes and community developments.   We believe carbon reduction can be both significant and impactful , while still being practical and affordable.

If you have questions similar to these, we can help:

  • How much carbon does my project have embodied within its materials and processes?
  • How much carbon does the home produce annually once occupied?
  • What kind of energy modeling can be done so that I can lower my project’s carbon emissions: both operational and embodied?
  •  How do I best calculate and report my project’s carbon emissions?

Our knowledgeable team provides assessment, modeling and consulting services to calculate your project’s whole carbon emissions. Services include baseline mapping and establishment of your current carbon footprint, how to report on key energy and carbon metrics and ongoing consultation on carbon footprint improvement.

Ready to get started? Contact us today.
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High Performance HVAC Design

The mechanical systems of a home are like the heart and arteries, providing essential services to all of the other parts of the home. This design is a key consideration for professional builders and renovators to consider within their design and build process.

We believe the HVAC system can be "right-sized" while delivering exceptional performance through careful, integrated design with the building energy and carbon performance. We also believe that the principals of thermal comfort are a cornerstone of integrated enclosure+HVAC design. IT IS possible to build homes people LOVE to live in.

Learn how Building Knowledge Canada’s team can support your next project with mechanical design services.
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Training & Facilitating

With hundreds of training and mentorship programs delivered, Building Knowledge Canada has established a reputation as a leading provider of professional training in the North American homebuilding industry. Our courses are tailored to meet the specific needs of builders, developers, trade partners and sales/marketing teams, ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge to thrive in the competitive market.

Take advantage of our practical, hands-on training programs and facilitating services to gain a competitive edge in the homebuilding industry.

For upcoming training opportunities please visit our events calendar.

Learn more about Building Knowledge Canada’s customized training, or contact us with any questions.
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Building Science Forensics

For homebuilders looking to up their performance, Building Knowledge Canada can help with many ‘next level’ services such as quality assurance programs or being a 3rd party expert witness to the true performance levels of your builds..

Our Advanced Residential Performance Services include:

  • Builder quality assurance program development
  • Builder continuous improvement program development
  • 3rd Party expert witness: building performance diagnostics
  • Builder scope-of-work development
Contact Building Knowledge Canada for further information and details.
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Manufacturer & Utility Client Services

Using decades of direct experience working with North American builders, Building Knowledge Canada knows intimately the challenges the homebuilding industry faces in the quickly changing landscape of client expectations, code and regulatory updates and home performance program upgrades. There is fundamental need, and opportunity, for manufacturers to become real “partners” with Canadian home builders.

Working hand-in-hand with manufacturers, we help:

  • identify relevant markets for their products
  • research potential applications
  • develop successful building–science-based marketing content and campaigns
  • with on-site product application demonstration projects

Building Knowledge Canada also presents informative talks, workshops, and seminars on topics such as:

  • energy efficiency and the building code
  • building science as it relates to sales and marketing
Looking to add our insights and experience to campaigns? Get in touch and let’s discuss the next steps.
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Home 360°

The Home 360° program is a Building Knowledge Canada labeling program that provides the estimated energy performance of your builds, offering you a simple, effective way to showcase this important data to your home buyers. This clear, third-party verified marketing summary adds trust and value during the sales process and also adds confidence and pride for your homeowners once they take possession.

Our Home 360° assessment is done through energy modelling using Natural Resources Canada's energy modelling software HOT2000, an air tightness test, and applying Ontario Building Code (SB12) performance modelling protocols and standards. We provide you with a one-page summary, depicting the home's energy efficiency in comparison to code, ENERGY STAR® or Net Zero, the air tightness target of the home, and also the selected building enclosure and mechanical systems.The model profile can also pair along side Building Knowledge Canada’s Home 360° Label.

This program serves as a stepping stone for those builders on route to transitioning to ENERGY STAR® or Net Zero, or those who wish to showcase their current technological advances and commitment to building more energy-efficient homes.

Talk to us about applying for the Home 360° program today.
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Professional renovators often have a challenging landscape to navigate; maintaining the character of their clients’ home while providing much needed updates for code compliances, energy efficiency and aesthetics.

Our Renovator360 program guides professional renovators through a whole-systems, whole-home approach grounded in building science to support them to achieve a successful home renovation that performs better than code, while saving money and time.

BK Reno 360
Book a call with our team or visit our Renovator360 page to discover more.
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